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Talking about salary is tricky business. Pay conversations almost always involve emotions. Why? Because most employees equate self-worth with compensation. Few are able to completely separate their value as a person from the dollar value the company places on them.
Here’s worse news: it’s your best people, not your average employees, who become most disillusioned and disengaged if pay expectations and pay reality are out of whack.
More than any other employee/employer conversation, talking about pay has the highest risk of destroying morale, sapping productivity and eroding retention rates. Despite the danger, more than 53% of managers admit that their company has never offered training to teach them how to talk about compensation.
On the employee side, only about half of employees feel that their company does a good job of explaining pay programs.
The solution lies in a dramatic change in the way your company, and especially individual managers, talk to employees about pay. This webinar will show you how.
In this session, B21 top-rated speaker and performance management expert Wes Pruett, will arm HR executives and managers with powerful techniques for conducting even the most emotional pay discussions with employees.
You will learn:
Participation in the live upcoming webinar
Full MP4 recording of webinar, including Q&A. Choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording. For recording, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording + Audio-only MP3 recording. For recordings, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live upcoming webinar
Full MP4 recording of webinar, including Q&A. Choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording. For recording, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording + Audio-only MP3 recording. For recordings, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
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If you need more than one computer to access the webinar, please call customer service at 888-479-2777.
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