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Onboarding is too critical to the long-term health of your organization to use an informal approach. You need a proven system.
And for each new employee, you have only one chance to get it right.
An onboarding process gets results if helps new employees feel connected to the company and clearly understand their new roles.
Studies have shown that a new employee is 69% more likely to stay at a company for at least three years if a formal orientation program has been used.
But retention isn’t the only benefit of thoughtful onboarding.
Research has also shown that employees at organizations with effective onboarding were at full productivity two months earlier than their counterparts without formal programs. TWO MONTHS!
Imagine that your last 6 employees had been more carefully onboarded. If they were each fully productive 2 months earlier, the net benefit to you company would be equivalent to a WHOLE YEAR’s worth of work.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how best-in-class programs start onboarding during recruitment and have a structured program for employees’ first year on the job. We’ll give you the key components to a cost-effective onboarding plan that will increase employee retention and productivity.
Intended audience:
Human Resources professionals, leaders, managers, supervisors and organizational development professionals.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Participation in the live upcoming webinar
Full MP4 recording of webinar, including Q&A. Choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording. For recording, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording + Audio-only MP3 recording. For recordings, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live upcoming webinar
Full MP4 recording of webinar, including Q&A. Choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording. For recording, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
Participation in the live webinar + Full MP4 Recording + Audio-only MP3 recording. For recordings, choose digital download or CD-ROM by mail.
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