Exempt or Nonexempt? Coping with New DOL Rules and Tougher Enforcement

Duration: 60 minutes

Since 2009, the DOL has been actively hunting employers who misclassify workers. Though they have indeed caught some law-breaking companies who were taking advantage of employees, they’ve also nabbed thousands of well-intentioned companies that were unknowingly violating overtime laws

And things will only get worse now that the final new OT regs and compensation level will become effective on December 1, 2016. Workers that you believed you had properly classified will need to be examined all over again well in advance of the December 1 effective date.

Don’t get caught in the net. Attend this straight-talk 60-minute conference conducted by an expert employment law attorney, Edward Bergmann.

He’ll lay out a detailed overview of the white-collar exemptions, providing specific, practical examples showing how they’re applied now and in the future.

The course will also highlight the “hot spots” -- those areas where employers are prone to make classification mistakes, and offer advice for conducting internal self-audits (before the DOL does).


    After attending this course, you will be able to explain: 

    • How the new federal regulations and compensation level could change the way you classify workers
    • Different ways employers are responding to the new compensation level
    • Why we see so much litigation now, and likely even more in the future – and what you can do to stay out of court for misclassification 
    • The salary basis test and steps you can take to avoid compliance issues
    • How to classify analysts, specialists, coordinators, executive assistants and IT employees 
    • How to draft, reexamine and manage job descriptions -- which are often an employer’s worst enemy in court -- from a classification perspective 
    • Who the DOL says is supervising who for purposes of the executive exemption
    • How to handle situations where an employee is supervised by multiple bosses
    • The effect of the increased salary level test on the exempt status of part-time employees

                            ABOUT THE SPEAKER

                            Edward Bergmann, Esq., is a partner in the Chicago office of Seyfarth Shaw. He is the Chair of the firm’s Task Force on wage-hour issues. He has represented private and public employers, throughout the United States, in administrative and court litigation under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and State Acts for over 30 years. He has handled class actions under state wage payment laws in numerous states and handled collective actions under FLSA throughout the country both at the district court, federal appellate court and Supreme Court levels.

                            Mr. Bergmann has also provided advice to numerous Fortune 100 and 500 corporations on compliance with state and federal FLSA statutes and avoidance of litigation under those statutes. He participated in the General Accounting Office’s review of the White Collar Exemptions to the FLSA, which culminated in a published report to Congress by GAO. Recently he has provided guidance on compliance with the revised federal exempt status regulations.


                            This program has been approved for 1.0 recertification credit hour through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) & Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).


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